Thursday, May 31, 2012

NORDPLUS course conclusion

Visit to crisis  for sexual abuse center Tukinainen we had yesterday opened our senses to the powerful expression of suffering when there are no words for it, like painting and photo therapy.

 Today the school started with an introduction to social media, followed by how it can be a platform for sexual health promotion.It was interesting and fun to see how the social media has been developed in relatively short time.The task we got was to create a social media project about promotion of sexual health and we have thought about an opened page on Facebook, where everyone who is interested can have access to information. Also, where everyone is free to share opinions, ask questions, leave comments, giving feedback. Another thought about this social media project was that after tomorrow, when all of us will go back to our countries and own life, things do not stop here but there will be a continuing process of our learning about sexual health promotion.
Last, but not least, this is one way to keep us connected and maintain multicultural and international professional relationships.

The name of page we have created is Promoting Sexual Health. Here is the link:

The last lecture of our NordPlus intensive course was about values and professional ethics in health care focused on sexual and reproductive health. The issues most focused were:
  • Openness to diversity. 
  • Acceptance to differences.
  • Critical thinking in approaching clients needs.
  • Respect for individual  self- expression.
  • Ethics is in some cases above the law. And law can be  interpretable. But we need to be critical in decision - making.
Our overall opinion is that these are some of the most important things to consider when providing health care.

As we conclude the NordPlus intensive course, our experience is that  being a nurse  requires a broad knowledge base, abilities and skills, qualities, empathy, holistic perspectives in approaching a client. Nursing and becoming a good professional health carer is a process which starts in school and continues all our carriers and lives.

We want to express our gratitude to NORDPLUS and the hosting Jyväskylä of University of Applied Sciences for organizing and giving opportunity for international students to meet and to experience a different learning environment.
We have very much enjoyed the evening activities, such sauna evening, boat cruise dinner and we look forward for the up coming restaurant evening for the last evening together.

Thank you all and have successful carriers as health care providers!
 Hej då!
Head aega!

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